02/01/17 – Orchids of Madagascar Speaker: Phyllis Prestia Ph.D.


Phyllis S. Prestia will be our guest speaker on February 1st, 2017.   She is a retired educator and Middle School Principal. She received a Doctorate of Education at Rutgers University, where she also served as instructor in the graduate education program. Originally from New Jersey, she moved to California with her husband to retire in the sunny, San Diego area and grow orchids. Her collection includes a variety of species and hybrids across several genera grown both in a small greenhouse and three outdoor growing areas under shade cloth. In her orchid life she has been the President of the San Diego County Cymbidium Society and currently serves as the Vice President of the Cymbidium Society of America, as well as keeping active in several Southern California orchid societies. She is currently a probationary judge for the American Orchid Society. Photo by Don Goss