October 5th: Displaying Beautiful Blooms

Arthur Pinkers at the 2014 SDCOS Show

Arthur Pinkers at the 2014 SDCOS Show

We enjoy our orchids when they look their best.  We love beautiful arrangements when we go to shows and see the exhibits.  With a desire to increase our personal enjoyment and with show season upon us, we will be looking at techniques to have our plants present their beautiful blooms to their best.  Tips on staking, plant grooming and small table top displays will also be covered.   Join us on Wednesday, October 5th for this interesting presentation by our President, Arthur Pinkers.

Arthur has been an orchid enthusiast since the age of sixteen, when he acquired a plant of Slc. Glittering Jewel (Sl. Gratixiae x Slc. Hermes), which infected him with the orchid bug.  His forty plus years of experience growing orchids started in the Pacific Northwest with a greenhouse to fend off the cold, rainy days, but a decade ago a job change forced him to move to Santa Clarita, California, where the conditions are extreme for growing orchids.

Growing up in the Seattle area, Arthur attended Western Washington University in Bellingham, Washington, graduating with a B.S. in Chemistry and Biology.  He worked for many years as a chemist, and had the fortune of having his dream job as the Lab Director for Beall Orchid Company until shortly before its close in 1990.  Despite not having a current career working with orchids, Arthur has taken an active role in the orchid community.  He has been an Accredited Orchid Judge for over twenty years and has served in most executive positions on the Board of the Northwest Orchid Society, including serving as President from 1988 to 1989, and as a center photographer for the Pacific Northwest Judging region.  Currently, Arthur serves as the Center Judging Chair at the Pacific South – San Marino Judging Center and one of the photographers for the Pacific South Judging Center.  Though he has an interest in a wide variety of orchids, botanicals are a special draw to him for their diversity and charm.

Arthur has been married to his wife, Margie, for over twenty-seven years, and has two adult children. While they have not inherited his knack for growing orchids, his family enjoys the beauty and wild aromas his backyard jungle brings to their home, a respite from the desert landscape around them.

Recent American Orchid Society Awards

The American Orchid Society  recently  granted awards at the Pacific South Monthly Judging in San Marino which was held at the Huntington Botanical Gardens.  This photo was taken by Arthur Pinkers.         


Dendrobium amabile ‘Huntington’s Cotton Candy’

Award of Merit – 80 pts.

Parents:  Species

108 flowers and 75 buds on 5 inflorescences

Natural Spread:  5.0 cm

Vertical Spread:  4.0 cm

Exhibited by Huntington Botanical Gardens